Harness your cycle

Empowering Your Menstrual Health

Unlock Your Potential

Sound familiar?

  • Bloated, tires and sluggish
  • Debilitating fatigue, persistent brain fog, and a lack of motivation
  • Periods interrupting your life
  • Painful cramping and tugging sensations
  • Heavy or very light to no period
  • Unexplained weight fluctuations
  • Extreme cravings, especially for sugar
  • Diagnosed with challenging conditions like Endometriosis, PCOS, or PMDD

Cycle Led Strategies

Transforming Your Workplace Well-being

Did you know that 85% of people who menstruate struggle with pain? with 50% reporting this as SEVERE! 

However, only 4% of businesses offer menstrual health well-being activities and education. 

Discover the untapped potential of cycle-led strategies in the workplace with our innovative approach to holistic employee well-being. While many organisations champion initiatives like lunchtime walks and cycling-to-work schemes, the critical aspect of menstrual health is often overlooked.

A menstrual cycle is split into 4 phases, each with it’s own requirements and symptoms, which dictates an individuals overall well-being, including productivity at work! Peri-menopause and menopause also have very specific needs to ensure transitions are are smooth as possible. 

With the right training,  menstrual health can be strategically introduced into the workplace, whereby senior leadership and line managers will have the tools needed to communicate and reasonably adjust, and you’ll be one step closer to fostering an inclusive environment where menstrual needs are understood and met.

Dive into this transformative journey, and let’s craft a happier, healthier, and inclusive workplace together!

Help My Employees



This covers the importance of menstrual health in the workplace, with 1-1 sessions to discuss individual cases happening live in the workplace.

Lunch & Learn 

My journey with Endometriosis and fertility at work, and how to ask for help from your manager. We will also cover how to harness your hormones at work, with an interactive Q&A.

1 day work shop 

Menstrual health education for all employees, with a hack your hormones workshop, which takes you through the best times to work with your cycle.

Management and senior leadership workshop, taking you through reasonable adjustment and how to have challenging conversations, with an interactive session to discuss current case studies.

1 -1 Line Manager/Senior Leadership coaching 

This covers the importance of menstrual health in the workplace, with 1-1 sessions to discuss individual cases happening live in the workplace.

1 -1 Line Employee coaching 

1-1 coaching for employees that are struggling with menstrual related symptoms and conditions, supporting them with both lifestyle changes and ways of working to ensure they have everything they need to thrive at work.

One-to-One Services

Empower your menstrual health, transform your life

Learn To Track Your Cycle
Endometriosis Support
Hack your Hormones: Weight fluctuations and bloating
Cycle and Gut health
Egg Freezing Support
Lets Begin

My Story

Sophie Richards, Endometriosis

Sophie Richards, The Endo Spectrum

Hi, I’m Sophie! I struggled with chronic pain, bloating and irregular cycles from the age of 16, all of which were related to a condition called Endometriosis. Faced with countless misdiagnoses and dismissals from doctors, It wasn’t until I turned 21, 5 years later, I received the diagnosis. I realised this would keep happening time and time again, unless something changed.
Endometriosis (Endo) affects one in ten assigned female at birth, yet there is a glaring lack of awareness and understanding about the condition. This lack of knowledge often leads to misdiagnosis, inappropriate treatments, and enduring emotional distress. Moreover, the silence around period health creates hurdles in the workplace and personal lives.
I started small, a personal blog following the spectrum of symptoms and treatments I had experienced with my Endo, and so ‘The Endo Spectrum’ was born. The platform grew rapidly, and so did my knowledge and learning of not only Endo, but how the menstrual cycle impacts our hormones, and can even dictate our actions!
My journey has been one of discovery and self-empowerment, from struggling with the lack of awareness and misdiagnosis to launching my Endo blog, TheEndoSpectrum. My blog now reaches people across the globe, inspiring them to take control of their period health, as well as partners and friends looking for the best ways to support them.
After completing a women’s health coaching course with the institute of menstrual health, I now provide two services.
The first being cycle led strategies to businesses, aiming to create a supportive environment for all employees, as well as empowering women to utilise their cycle for success. The second service is personal 1-to-1 coaching. This is for individuals who want to delve deeper into their cycle history, and make lifestyle changes to improve their quality of life, and become the best versions of themselves.
Having grown my platform to over 23,000 across Instagram and Tik Tok, and conducting talks on cycle strategies and Endo awareness, I am now leveraging the platform to make a broader impact.
My business-to-business service empowers workplaces to better accommodate their workforce, leading to more productive, inclusive and supportive environments.
My personal coaching courses are helping women navigate their period health, improving their quality of life and boosting their self-confidence.

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